File ‹~~/src/Provers/blast.ML›
signature BLAST_DATA =
structure Classical: CLASSICAL
val Trueprop_const: string * typ
val equality_name: string
val not_name: string
val notE: thm
val ccontr: thm
val hyp_subst_tac: Proof.context -> bool -> int -> tactic
signature BLAST =
exception TRANS of string
datatype term =
Const of string * term list
| Skolem of string * term option Unsynchronized.ref list
| Free of string
| Var of term option Unsynchronized.ref
| Bound of int
| Abs of string*term
| $ of term*term;
val depth_tac: Proof.context -> int -> int -> tactic
val depth_limit: int Config.T
val trace: bool Config.T
val stats: bool Config.T
val blast_tac: Proof.context -> int -> tactic
type branch
val tryIt: Proof.context -> int -> string ->
{fullTrace: branch list list,
result: ((int -> tactic) list * branch list list * (int * int * exn) list)}
functor Blast(Data: BLAST_DATA): BLAST =
structure Classical = Data.Classical;
val depth_limit = Attrib.setup_config_int \<^binding>‹blast_depth_limit› (K 20);
val (trace, _) = Attrib.config_bool \<^binding>‹blast_trace› (K false);
val (stats, _) = Attrib.config_bool \<^binding>‹blast_stats› (K false);
datatype term =
Const of string * term list
| Skolem of string * term option Unsynchronized.ref list
| Free of string
| Var of term option Unsynchronized.ref
| Bound of int
| Abs of string*term
| op $ of term*term;
type branch =
{pairs: ((term*bool) list *
(term*bool) list) list,
lits: term list,
vars: term option Unsynchronized.ref list,
lim: int};
datatype state = State of
{ctxt: Proof.context,
names: Name.context Unsynchronized.ref,
fullTrace: branch list list Unsynchronized.ref,
trail: term option Unsynchronized.ref list Unsynchronized.ref,
ntrail: int Unsynchronized.ref,
nclosed: int Unsynchronized.ref,
ntried: int Unsynchronized.ref}
fun reserved_const thy c =
is_some (Sign.const_type thy c) andalso
error ("blast: theory contains reserved constant " ^ quote c);
fun initialize ctxt =
val thy = Proof_Context.theory_of ctxt;
val _ = reserved_const thy "*Goal*";
val _ = reserved_const thy "*False*";
{ctxt = ctxt,
names = Unsynchronized.ref (Variable.names_of ctxt),
fullTrace = Unsynchronized.ref [],
trail = Unsynchronized.ref [],
ntrail = Unsynchronized.ref 0,
nclosed = Unsynchronized.ref 0,
ntried = Unsynchronized.ref 1}
fun gensym (State {names, ...}) x =
Unsynchronized.change_result names (Name.variant x);
fun is_Var (Var _) = true
| is_Var _ = false;
fun dest_Var (Var x) = x;
fun rand (f$x) = x;
val list_comb : term * term list -> term = Library.foldl (op $);
fun strip_comb u : term * term list =
let fun stripc (f$t, ts) = stripc (f, t::ts)
| stripc x = x
in stripc(u,[]) end;
fun head_of (f$t) = head_of f
| head_of u = u;
fun negate P = Const (Data.not_name, []) $ P;
fun isNot (Const (c, _) $ _) = c = Data.not_name
| isNot _ = false;
fun mkGoal P = Const ("*Goal*", []) $ P;
fun isGoal (Const ("*Goal*", _) $ _) = true
| isGoal _ = false;
val (TruepropC, TruepropT) = Data.Trueprop_const;
fun mk_Trueprop t = Term.$ (Term.Const (TruepropC, TruepropT), t);
fun strip_Trueprop (tm as Const (c, _) $ t) = if c = TruepropC then t else tm
| strip_Trueprop tm = tm;
fun fromType alist (Term.Type(a,Ts)) = list_comb (Const (a, []), map (fromType alist) Ts)
| fromType alist (Term.TFree(a,_)) = Free a
| fromType alist (Term.TVar (ixn,_)) =
(case (AList.lookup (op =) (!alist) ixn) of
NONE => let val t' = Var (Unsynchronized.ref NONE)
in alist := (ixn, t') :: !alist; t'
| SOME v => v)
fun fromConst thy alist (a, T) =
Const (a, map (fromType alist) (Sign.const_typargs thy (a, T)));
fun (Const (a, ts)) aconv (Const (b, us)) = a = b andalso aconvs (ts, us)
| (Skolem (a,_)) aconv (Skolem (b,_)) = a = b
| (Free a) aconv (Free b) = a = b
| (Var (Unsynchronized.ref(SOME t))) aconv u = t aconv u
| t aconv (Var (Unsynchronized.ref (SOME u))) = t aconv u
| (Var v) aconv (Var w) = v=w
| (Bound i) aconv (Bound j) = i=j
| (Abs(_,t)) aconv (Abs(_,u)) = t aconv u
| (f$t) aconv (g$u) = (f aconv g) andalso (t aconv u)
| _ aconv _ = false
and aconvs ([], []) = true
| aconvs (t :: ts, u :: us) = t aconv u andalso aconvs (ts, us)
| aconvs _ = false;
fun mem_term (_, []) = false
| mem_term (t, t'::ts) = t aconv t' orelse mem_term(t,ts);
fun ins_term(t,ts) = if mem_term(t,ts) then ts else t :: ts;
fun mem_var (v: term option Unsynchronized.ref, []) = false
| mem_var (v, v'::vs) = v=v' orelse mem_var(v,vs);
fun ins_var(v,vs) = if mem_var(v,vs) then vs else v :: vs;
fun add_term_vars (Skolem(a,args), vars) = add_vars_vars(args,vars)
| add_term_vars (Var (v as Unsynchronized.ref NONE), vars) = ins_var (v, vars)
| add_term_vars (Var (Unsynchronized.ref (SOME u)), vars) = add_term_vars (u, vars)
| add_term_vars (Const (_, ts), vars) = add_terms_vars (ts, vars)
| add_term_vars (Abs (_, body), vars) = add_term_vars (body, vars)
| add_term_vars (f $ t, vars) = add_term_vars (f, add_term_vars (t, vars))
| add_term_vars (_, vars) = vars
and add_terms_vars ([], vars) = vars
| add_terms_vars (t::ts, vars) = add_terms_vars (ts, add_term_vars(t,vars))
and add_vars_vars ([], vars) = vars
| add_vars_vars (Unsynchronized.ref (SOME u) :: vs, vars) =
add_vars_vars (vs, add_term_vars(u,vars))
| add_vars_vars (v::vs, vars) =
add_vars_vars (vs, ins_var (v, vars));
fun vars_in_vars vars = add_vars_vars(vars,[]);
fun incr_bv inc =
fun term lev (t as Bound i) = if i >= lev then Bound (i + inc) else t
| term lev (Abs (a, t)) = Abs (a, term (lev + 1) t)
| term lev (t $ u) = term lev t $ term lev u
| term _ t = t;
in term end;
fun incr_boundvars 0 t = t
| incr_boundvars inc t = incr_bv inc 0 t;
fun add_loose_bnos (Bound i, lev, js) = if i<lev then js
else insert (op =) (i - lev) js
| add_loose_bnos (Abs (_,t), lev, js) = add_loose_bnos (t, lev+1, js)
| add_loose_bnos (f$t, lev, js) =
add_loose_bnos (f, lev, add_loose_bnos (t, lev, js))
| add_loose_bnos (_, _, js) = js;
fun loose_bnos t = add_loose_bnos (t, 0, []);
fun subst_bound (arg, t) : term =
let fun subst (t as Bound i, lev) =
if i<lev then t
else if i=lev then incr_boundvars lev arg
else Bound(i-1)
| subst (Abs(a,body), lev) = Abs(a, subst(body,lev+1))
| subst (f$t, lev) = subst(f,lev) $ subst(t,lev)
| subst (t,lev) = t
in subst (t,0) end;
fun norm t = case t of
Skolem (a, args) => Skolem (a, vars_in_vars args)
| Const (a, ts) => Const (a, map norm ts)
| (Var (Unsynchronized.ref NONE)) => t
| (Var (Unsynchronized.ref (SOME u))) => norm u
| (f $ u) => (case norm f of
Abs(_,body) => norm (subst_bound (u, body))
| nf => nf $ norm u)
| _ => t;
fun wkNormAux t = case t of
(Var v) => (case !v of
SOME u => wkNorm u
| NONE => t)
| (f $ u) => (case wkNormAux f of
Abs(_,body) => wkNorm (subst_bound (u, body))
| nf => nf $ u)
| Abs (a,body) =>
(case wkNormAux body of
nb as (f $ t) =>
if member (op =) (loose_bnos f) 0 orelse wkNorm t <> Bound 0
then Abs(a,nb)
else wkNorm (incr_boundvars ~1 f)
| nb => Abs (a,nb))
| _ => t
and wkNorm t = case head_of t of
Const _ => t
| Skolem(a,args) => t
| Free _ => t
| _ => wkNormAux t;
fun varOccur v =
let fun occL lev [] = false
| occL lev (u::us) = occ lev u orelse occL lev us
and occ lev (Var w) =
v=w orelse
(case !w of NONE => false
| SOME u => occ lev u)
| occ lev (Skolem(_,args)) = occL lev (map Var args)
| occ lev (Bound i) = lev <= i
| occ lev (Abs(_,u)) = occ (lev+1) u
| occ lev (f$u) = occ lev u orelse occ lev f
| occ lev _ = false;
in occ 0 end;
exception UNIFY;
fun clearTo (State {ntrail, trail, ...}) n =
while !ntrail<>n do
(hd(!trail) := NONE;
trail := tl (!trail);
ntrail := !ntrail - 1);
fun unify state (vars,t,u) =
let val State {ntrail, trail, ...} = state
val n = !ntrail
fun update (t as Var v, u) =
if t aconv u then ()
else if varOccur v u then raise UNIFY
else if mem_var(v, vars) then v := SOME u
if is_Var u andalso mem_var(dest_Var u, vars)
then dest_Var u := SOME t
else (v := SOME u;
trail := v :: !trail; ntrail := !ntrail + 1)
fun unifyAux (t,u) =
case (wkNorm t, wkNorm u) of
(nt as Var v, nu) => update(nt,nu)
| (nu, nt as Var v) => update(nt,nu)
| (Const(a,ats), Const(b,bts)) => if a=b then unifysAux(ats,bts)
else raise UNIFY
| (Abs(_,t'), Abs(_,u')) => unifyAux(t',u')
| (f$t', g$u') => (unifyAux(f,g); unifyAux(t',u'))
| (nt, nu) => if nt aconv nu then () else raise UNIFY
and unifysAux ([], []) = ()
| unifysAux (t :: ts, u :: us) = (unifyAux (t, u); unifysAux (ts, us))
| unifysAux _ = raise UNIFY;
in (unifyAux(t,u); true) handle UNIFY => (clearTo state n; false)
fun fromTerm thy t =
let val alistVar = Unsynchronized.ref []
and alistTVar = Unsynchronized.ref []
fun from (Term.Const aT) = fromConst thy alistTVar aT
| from (Term.Free (a,_)) = Free a
| from (Term.Bound i) = Bound i
| from (Term.Var (ixn,T)) =
(case (AList.lookup (op =) (!alistVar) ixn) of
NONE => let val t' = Var (Unsynchronized.ref NONE)
in alistVar := (ixn, t') :: !alistVar; t'
| SOME v => v)
| from (Term.Abs (a,_,u)) =
(case from u of
u' as (f $ Bound 0) =>
if member (op =) (loose_bnos f) 0 then Abs(a,u')
else incr_boundvars ~1 f
| u' => Abs(a,u'))
| from (Term.$ (f,u)) = from f $ from u
in from t end;
fun instVars t =
let val name = Unsynchronized.ref "a"
val updated = Unsynchronized.ref []
fun inst (Const(a,ts)) = inst ts
| inst (Var(v as Unsynchronized.ref NONE)) = (updated := v :: (!updated);
v := SOME (Free ("?" ^ !name));
name := Symbol.bump_string (!name))
| inst (Abs(a,t)) = inst t
| inst (f $ u) = (inst f; inst u)
| inst _ = ()
fun revert() = (fn v => v:=NONE) (!updated)
in inst t; revert end;
fun strip_imp_prems (Const (\<^const_name>‹Pure.imp›, _) $ A $ B) =
strip_Trueprop A :: strip_imp_prems B
| strip_imp_prems _ = [];
fun strip_imp_concl (Const (\<^const_name>‹Pure.imp›, _) $ A $ B) = strip_imp_concl B
| strip_imp_concl A = strip_Trueprop A;
exception ElimBadConcl and ElimBadPrem;
fun delete_concl [] = raise ElimBadPrem
| delete_concl (P :: Ps) =
(case P of
Const (c, _) $ Var (Unsynchronized.ref (SOME (Const ("*False*", _)))) =>
if c = "*Goal*" orelse c = Data.not_name then Ps
else P :: delete_concl Ps
| _ => P :: delete_concl Ps);
fun skoPrem state vars (Const (\<^const_name>‹Pure.all›, _) $ Abs (_, P)) =
skoPrem state vars (subst_bound (Skolem (gensym state "S", vars), P))
| skoPrem _ _ P = P;
fun convertPrem t =
delete_concl (mkGoal (strip_imp_concl t) :: strip_imp_prems t);
fun convertRule state vars t =
let val (P::Ps) = strip_imp_prems t
val Var v = strip_imp_concl t
in v := SOME (Const ("*False*", []));
(P, map (convertPrem o skoPrem state vars) Ps)
handle Bind => raise ElimBadConcl;
fun rev_dup_elim ctxt th = (th RSN (2, revcut_rl)) |> Thm.assumption (SOME ctxt) 2 |> Seq.hd;
fun nNewHyps [] = 0
| nNewHyps (Const ("*Goal*", _) $ _ :: Ps) = nNewHyps Ps
| nNewHyps (P::Ps) = 1 + nNewHyps Ps;
fun rot_tac [] i st = Seq.single st
| rot_tac (0::ks) i st = rot_tac ks (i+1) st
| rot_tac (k::ks) i st = rot_tac ks (i+1) (Thm.rotate_rule (~k) i st);
fun rot_subgoals_tac (rot, rl) =
rot_tac (if rot then map nNewHyps rl else [])
fun cond_tracing true msg = tracing (msg ())
| cond_tracing false _ = ();
fun TRACE ctxt rl tac i st =
(cond_tracing (Config.get ctxt trace) (fn () => Thm.string_of_thm ctxt rl); tac i st);
fun emtac ctxt upd rl =
TRACE ctxt rl (if upd then eresolve_tac ctxt [rl] else ematch_tac ctxt [rl]);
fun rmtac ctxt upd rl =
TRACE ctxt rl (if upd then resolve_tac ctxt [rl] else match_tac ctxt [rl]);
fun fromRule (state as State {ctxt, ...}) vars rl0 =
val thy = Proof_Context.theory_of ctxt
val rl = Thm.transfer thy rl0
val trl = rl |> Thm.prop_of |> fromTerm thy |> convertRule state vars
fun tac (upd, dup,rot) i =
emtac ctxt upd (if dup then rev_dup_elim ctxt rl else rl) i THEN
rot_subgoals_tac (rot, #2 trl) i
in SOME (trl, tac) end
ElimBadPrem =>
(if Context_Position.is_visible ctxt then
warning ("Ignoring weak elimination rule\n" ^ Thm.string_of_thm ctxt rl0)
else ();
| ElimBadConcl =>
(cond_tracing (Config.get ctxt trace)
(fn () => "Ignoring ill-formed elimination rule:\n" ^
"conclusion should be a variable\n" ^ Thm.string_of_thm ctxt rl0);
fun convertIntrPrem t = mkGoal (strip_imp_concl t) :: strip_imp_prems t;
fun convertIntrRule state vars t =
let val Ps = strip_imp_prems t
val P = strip_imp_concl t
in (mkGoal P, map (convertIntrPrem o skoPrem state vars) Ps)
fun fromIntrRule (state as State {ctxt, ...}) vars rl0 =
val thy = Proof_Context.theory_of ctxt
val rl = Thm.transfer thy rl0
val trl = rl |> Thm.prop_of |> fromTerm thy |> convertIntrRule state vars
fun tac (upd,dup,rot) i =
rmtac ctxt upd (if dup then Classical.dup_intr rl else rl) i THEN
rot_subgoals_tac (rot, #2 trl) i
in (trl, tac) end;
val dummyVar = Term.Var (("etc",0), dummyT);
fun toTerm 0 _ = dummyVar
| toTerm d (Const(a,_)) = Term.Const (a,dummyT)
| toTerm d (Skolem(a,_)) = Term.Const (a,dummyT)
| toTerm d (Free a) = Term.Free (a,dummyT)
| toTerm d (Bound i) = Term.Bound i
| toTerm d (Var _) = dummyVar
| toTerm d (Abs(a,_)) = dummyVar
| toTerm d (f $ u) = Term.$ (toTerm d f, toTerm (d-1) u);
fun isVarForm (Var _) = true
| isVarForm (Const (c, _) $ Var _) = (c = Data.not_name)
| isVarForm _ = false;
fun netMkRules state P vars (nps: Classical.netpair list) =
case P of
(Const ("*Goal*", _) $ G) =>
let val pG = mk_Trueprop (toTerm 2 G)
val intrs = maps (fn (inet,_) => Net.unify_term inet pG) nps
in map (fromIntrRule state vars o #2) (order_list intrs) end
| _ =>
if isVarForm P then []
let val pP = mk_Trueprop (toTerm 3 P)
val elims = maps (fn (_,enet) => Net.unify_term enet pP) nps
in map_filter (fromRule state vars o #2) (order_list elims) end;
fun norm2 (G,md) = (norm G, md);
fun normLev (Gs,Hs) = (map norm2 Gs, map norm2 Hs);
fun normBr {pairs, lits, vars, lim} =
{pairs = map normLev pairs,
lits = map norm lits,
vars = vars,
lim = lim};
val dummyTVar = Term.TVar(("a",0), []);
val dummyVar2 = Term.Var(("var",0), dummyT);
fun showType (Free a) = Term.TFree (a,[])
| showType (Var _) = dummyTVar
| showType t =
(case strip_comb t of
(Const (a, _), us) => Term.Type(a, map showType us)
| _ => dummyT);
fun topType thy (Const (c, ts)) = SOME (Sign.const_instance thy (c, map showType ts))
| topType thy (Abs(a,t)) = topType thy t
| topType thy (f $ u) = (case topType thy f of NONE => topType thy u | some => some)
| topType _ _ = NONE;
fun showTerm d (Const (a,_)) = Term.Const (a,dummyT)
| showTerm d (Skolem(a,_)) = Term.Const (a,dummyT)
| showTerm d (Free a) = Term.Free (a,dummyT)
| showTerm d (Bound i) = Term.Bound i
| showTerm d (Var (Unsynchronized.ref(SOME u))) = showTerm d u
| showTerm d (Var (Unsynchronized.ref NONE)) = dummyVar2
| showTerm d (Abs(a,t)) = if d=0 then dummyVar
else Term.Abs(a, dummyT, showTerm (d-1) t)
| showTerm d (f $ u) = if d=0 then dummyVar
else Term.$ (showTerm d f, showTerm (d-1) u);
fun string_of ctxt d t = Syntax.string_of_term ctxt (showTerm d t);
fun negOfGoal (Const ("*Goal*", _) $ G) = negate G
| negOfGoal G = G;
fun negOfGoal2 (G,md) = (negOfGoal G, md);
fun negOfGoals pairs = map (fn (Gs, unsafe) => (map negOfGoal2 Gs, unsafe)) pairs;
fun negOfGoal_tac ctxt i =
TRACE ctxt Data.ccontr (resolve_tac ctxt [Data.ccontr]) i THEN rotate_tac ~1 i;
fun traceTerm ctxt t =
let val thy = Proof_Context.theory_of ctxt
val t' = norm (negOfGoal t)
val stm = string_of ctxt 8 t'
case topType thy t' of
NONE => stm
| SOME T => stm ^ " :: " ^ Syntax.string_of_typ ctxt T
fun trace_prover (State {ctxt, fullTrace, ...}) brs =
let fun printPairs (((G,_)::_,_)::_) = tracing (traceTerm ctxt G)
| printPairs (([],(H,_)::_)::_) = tracing (traceTerm ctxt H ^ " (Unsafe)")
| printPairs _ = ()
fun printBrs (brs0 as {pairs, lits, lim, ...} :: brs) =
(fullTrace := brs0 :: !fullTrace; (fn _ => tracing "+") brs;
tracing (" [" ^ string_of_int lim ^ "] ");
printPairs pairs;
tracing "")
in if Config.get ctxt trace then printBrs (map normBr brs) else () end;
fun traceVars (State {ctxt, ntrail, trail, ...}) ntrl =
if Config.get ctxt trace then
(case !ntrail-ntrl of
0 => ()
| 1 => tracing " 1 variable UPDATED:"
| n => tracing (" " ^ string_of_int n ^ " variables UPDATED:"); (fn v => tracing (" " ^ string_of ctxt 4 (the (!v))))
(List.take(!trail, !ntrail-ntrl));
tracing "")
else ();
fun traceNew true prems =
(case length prems of
0 => tracing "branch closed by rule"
| 1 => tracing "branch extended (1 new subgoal)"
| n => tracing ("branch split: "^ string_of_int n ^ " new subgoals"))
| traceNew _ _ = ();
fun subst_atomic (old,new) t =
let fun subst (Var(Unsynchronized.ref(SOME u))) = subst u
| subst (Abs(a,body)) = Abs(a, subst body)
| subst (f$t) = subst f $ subst t
| subst t = if t aconv old then new else t
in subst t end;
fun eta_contract_atom (t0 as Abs(a, body)) =
(case eta_contract2 body of
f $ Bound 0 => if member (op =) (loose_bnos f) 0 then t0
else eta_contract_atom (incr_boundvars ~1 f)
| _ => t0)
| eta_contract_atom t = t
and eta_contract2 (f$t) = f $ eta_contract_atom t
| eta_contract2 t = eta_contract_atom t;
fun substOccur t =
val vars = case t of
Skolem(_,vars) => vars
| _ => []
fun occEq u = (t aconv u) orelse occ u
and occ (Var(Unsynchronized.ref(SOME u))) = occEq u
| occ (Var v) = not (mem_var (v, vars))
| occ (Abs(_,u)) = occEq u
| occ (f$u) = occEq u orelse occEq f
| occ _ = false;
in occEq end;
exception DEST_EQ;
fun dest_eq (Const (c, _) $ t $ u) =
if c = Data.equality_name then (eta_contract_atom t, eta_contract_atom u)
else raise DEST_EQ
| dest_eq _ = raise DEST_EQ;
fun check (t,u,v) = if substOccur t u then raise DEST_EQ else v;
fun orientGoal (t,u) = case (t,u) of
(Skolem _, _) => check(t,u,(t,u))
| (_, Skolem _) => check(u,t,(u,t))
| (Free _, _) => check(t,u,(t,u))
| (_, Free _) => check(u,t,(u,t))
| _ => raise DEST_EQ;
fun equalSubst ctxt (G, {pairs, lits, vars, lim}) =
let val (t,u) = orientGoal(dest_eq G)
val subst = subst_atomic (t,u)
fun subst2(G,md) = (subst G, md)
fun subForm ((G,md), (changed, pairs)) =
let val nG = subst G
in if nG aconv G then (changed, (G,md)::pairs)
else ((nG,md)::changed, pairs)
fun subFrame ((Gs,Hs), (changed, frames)) =
let val (changed', Gs') = List.foldr subForm (changed, []) Gs
val (changed'', Hs') = List.foldr subForm (changed', []) Hs
in (changed'', (Gs',Hs')::frames) end
fun subLit (lit, (changed, nlits)) =
let val nlit = subst lit
in if nlit aconv lit then (changed, nlit::nlits)
else ((nlit,true)::changed, nlits)
val (changed, lits') = List.foldr subLit ([], []) lits
val (changed', pairs') = List.foldr subFrame (changed, []) pairs
in if Config.get ctxt trace then tracing ("Substituting " ^ traceTerm ctxt u ^
" for " ^ traceTerm ctxt t ^ " in branch" )
else ();
{pairs = (changed',[])::pairs',
lits = lits',
vars = vars,
lim = lim}
exception PROVE;
fun contr_tac ctxt =
ematch_tac ctxt [Data.notE] THEN' (eq_assume_tac ORELSE' assume_tac ctxt);
fun tryClose state (G, L) =
val State {ctxt, ...} = state;
val eContr_tac = TRACE ctxt Data.notE contr_tac;
val eAssume_tac = TRACE ctxt asm_rl (eq_assume_tac ORELSE' assume_tac ctxt);
fun close t u tac = if unify state ([], t, u) then SOME tac else NONE;
fun arg (_ $ t) = t;
if isGoal G then close (arg G) L eAssume_tac
else if isGoal L then close G (arg L) eAssume_tac
else if isNot G then close (arg G) L (eContr_tac ctxt)
else if isNot L then close G (arg L) (eContr_tac ctxt)
else NONE
fun hasSkolem (Skolem _) = true
| hasSkolem (Abs (_,body)) = hasSkolem body
| hasSkolem (f$t) = hasSkolem f orelse hasSkolem t
| hasSkolem _ = false;
fun joinMd md [] = []
| joinMd md (G::Gs) = (G, hasSkolem G orelse md) :: joinMd md Gs;
fun clashVar [] = (fn _ => false)
| clashVar vars =
let fun clash (0, _) = false
| clash (_, []) = false
| clash (n, v::vs) = exists (varOccur v) vars orelse clash(n-1,vs)
in clash end;
fun prune _ (1, nxtVars, choices) = choices
| prune (State {ctxt, ntrail, trail, ...}) (nbrs: int, nxtVars, choices) =
let fun traceIt last =
let val ll = length last
and lc = length choices
in if Config.get ctxt trace andalso ll<lc then
(tracing ("Pruning " ^ string_of_int(lc-ll) ^ " levels");
else last
fun pruneAux (last, _, _, []) = last
| pruneAux (last, ntrl, trl, (ntrl',nbrs',exn) :: choices) =
if nbrs' < nbrs
then last
else if nbrs' > nbrs then pruneAux (last, ntrl, trl, choices)
if clashVar nxtVars (ntrl-ntrl', trl) then last
pruneAux(choices, ntrl', List.drop(trl, ntrl-ntrl'),
in traceIt (pruneAux (choices, !ntrail, !trail, choices)) end;
fun nextVars ({pairs, lits, vars, lim} :: _) = map Var vars
| nextVars [] = [];
fun backtrack trace (choices as (ntrl, nbrs, exn)::_) =
(cond_tracing trace
(fn () => "Backtracking; now there are " ^ string_of_int nbrs ^ " branches");
raise exn)
| backtrack _ _ = raise PROVE;
fun addLit (Const ("*Goal*", _) $ G, lits) =
let fun bad (Const ("*Goal*", _) $ _) = true
| bad (Const (c, _) $ G') = c = Data.not_name andalso G aconv G'
| bad _ = false;
fun change [] = []
| change (lit :: lits) =
(case lit of
Const (c, _) $ G' =>
if c = "*Goal*" orelse c = Data.not_name then
if G aconv G' then change lits
else negate G' :: change lits
else lit :: change lits
| _ => lit :: change lits)
Const ("*Goal*", []) $ G :: (if exists bad lits then change lits else lits)
| addLit (G,lits) = ins_term(G, lits)
fun log n = if n<4 then 0 else 1 + log(n div 4);
fun match (Var _) u = true
| match (Const (a,tas)) (Const (b,tbs)) =
a = "*Goal*" andalso b = Data.not_name orelse
a = Data.not_name andalso b = "*Goal*" orelse
a = b andalso matchs tas tbs
| match (Free a) (Free b) = (a=b)
| match (Bound i) (Bound j) = (i=j)
| match (Abs(_,t)) (Abs(_,u)) = match t u
| match (f$t) (g$u) = match f g andalso match t u
| match t u = false
and matchs [] [] = true
| matchs (t :: ts) (u :: us) = match t u andalso matchs ts us;
fun printStats (State {ntried, nclosed, ...}) (b, start, tacs) =
if b then
tracing (Timing.message (Timing.result start) ^ " for search. Closed: "
^ string_of_int (!nclosed) ^
" tried: " ^ string_of_int (!ntried) ^
" tactics: " ^ string_of_int (length tacs))
else ();
fun prove (state, start, brs, cont) =
let val State {ctxt, ntrail, nclosed, ntried, ...} = state;
val trace = Config.get ctxt trace;
val stats = Config.get ctxt stats;
val {safe0_netpair, safep_netpair, unsafe_netpair, ...} =
Classical.rep_cs (Classical.claset_of ctxt);
val safeList = [safe0_netpair, safep_netpair];
val unsafeList = [unsafe_netpair];
fun prv (tacs, trs, choices, []) =
(printStats state (trace orelse stats, start, tacs);
cont (tacs, trs, choices))
| prv (tacs, trs, choices,
brs0 as {pairs = ((G,md)::br, unsafe)::pairs,
lits, vars, lim} :: brs) =
let exception PRV
val ntrl = !ntrail
val nbrs = length brs0
val nxtVars = nextVars brs
val G = norm G
val rules = netMkRules state G vars safeList
fun newBr (vars',lim') prems =
map (fn prem =>
if (exists isGoal prem)
then {pairs = ((joinMd md prem, []) ::
negOfGoals ((br, unsafe)::pairs)),
lits = map negOfGoal lits,
vars = vars',
lim = lim'}
else {pairs = ((joinMd md prem, []) ::
(br, unsafe) :: pairs),
lits = lits,
vars = vars',
lim = lim'})
prems @
fun deeper [] = raise NEWBRANCHES
| deeper (((P,prems),tac)::grls) =
if unify state (add_term_vars(P,[]), P, G)
let val updated = ntrl < !ntrail
val lim' = if updated
then lim - (1+log(length rules))
else lim
val vars = vars_in_vars vars
val vars' = List.foldr add_terms_vars vars prems
val choices' = (ntrl, nbrs, PRV) :: choices
val tacs' = (tac(updated,false,true))
:: tacs
traceNew trace prems; traceVars state ntrl;
(if null prems then
(nclosed := !nclosed + 1;
prv(tacs', brs0::trs,
prune state (nbrs, nxtVars, choices'),
if lim'<0
then (cond_tracing trace (fn () => "Excessive branching: KILLED");
clearTo state ntrl; raise NEWBRANCHES)
(ntried := !ntried + length prems - 1;
prv(tacs', brs0::trs, choices',
newBr (vars',lim') prems)))
handle PRV =>
if updated then
(clearTo state ntrl; deeper grls)
backtrack trace choices
else deeper grls
fun closeF [] = raise CLOSEF
| closeF (L::Ls) =
case tryClose state (G,L) of
NONE => closeF Ls
| SOME tac =>
let val choices' =
(if trace then (tracing "branch closed";
traceVars state ntrl)
else ();
prune state (nbrs, nxtVars,
(ntrl, nbrs, PRV) :: choices))
in nclosed := !nclosed + 1;
prv (tac::tacs, brs0::trs, choices', brs)
handle PRV =>
(clearTo state ntrl; closeF Ls)
fun closeFl [] = raise CLOSEF
| closeFl ((br, unsafe)::pairs) =
closeF (map fst br)
handle CLOSEF => closeF (map fst unsafe)
handle CLOSEF => closeFl pairs
trace_prover state brs0;
if lim<0 then (cond_tracing trace (fn () => "Limit reached."); backtrack trace choices)
prv (Data.hyp_subst_tac ctxt trace :: tacs,
brs0::trs, choices,
equalSubst ctxt
(G, {pairs = (br,unsafe)::pairs,
lits = lits, vars = vars, lim = lim})
:: brs)
handle DEST_EQ => closeF lits
handle CLOSEF => closeFl ((br,unsafe)::pairs)
handle CLOSEF => deeper rules
(case netMkRules state G vars unsafeList of
[] =>
(cond_tracing trace (fn () => "moving formula to literals");
prv (tacs, brs0::trs, choices,
{pairs = (br,unsafe)::pairs,
lits = addLit(G,lits),
vars = vars,
lim = lim} :: brs))
| _ =>
(cond_tracing trace (fn () => "moving formula to unsafe list");
prv (if isGoal G then negOfGoal_tac ctxt :: tacs
else tacs,
{pairs = (br, unsafe@[(negOfGoal G, md)])::pairs,
lits = lits,
vars = vars,
lim = lim} :: brs)))
| prv (tacs, trs, choices,
{pairs = ([],unsafe)::(Gs,unsafe')::pairs, lits, vars, lim} :: brs) =
prv (tacs, trs, choices,
{pairs = (Gs,unsafe@unsafe')::pairs,
lits = lits,
vars = vars,
lim = lim} :: brs)
| prv (tacs, trs, choices,
brs0 as {pairs = [([], (H,md)::Hs)],
lits, vars, lim} :: brs) =
let exception PRV
val H = norm H
val ntrl = !ntrail
val rules = netMkRules state H vars unsafeList
fun newPrem (vars,P,dup,lim') prem =
let val Gs' = map (fn Q => (Q,false)) prem
and Hs' = if dup then Hs @ [(negOfGoal H, md)] else Hs
and lits' = if (exists isGoal prem)
then map negOfGoal lits
else lits
in {pairs = if exists (match P) prem then [(Gs',Hs')]
else [(Gs',[]), ([],Hs')],
lits = lits',
vars = vars,
lim = lim'}
fun newBr x prems = map (newPrem x) prems @ brs
fun deeper [] = raise NEWBRANCHES
| deeper (((P,prems),tac)::grls) =
if unify state (add_term_vars(P,[]), P, H)
let val updated = ntrl < !ntrail
val vars = vars_in_vars vars
val vars' = List.foldr add_terms_vars vars prems
val dup = md
and recur = exists (exists (match P)) prems
val lim' =
if updated then lim - (1+log(length rules))
else lim-1
val mayUndo =
not(null grls)
orelse updated
orelse vars=vars'
val tac' = tac(updated, dup, true)
if lim'<0 andalso not (null prems)
(cond_tracing trace (fn () => "Excessive branching: KILLED");
clearTo state ntrl; raise NEWBRANCHES)
traceNew trace prems;
cond_tracing (trace andalso dup) (fn () => " (duplicating)");
cond_tracing (trace andalso recur) (fn () => " (recursive)");
traceVars state ntrl;
if null prems then nclosed := !nclosed + 1
else ntried := !ntried + length prems - 1;
prv(tac' :: tacs,
(ntrl, length brs0, PRV) :: choices,
newBr (vars', P, dup, lim') prems)
handle PRV =>
if mayUndo
(clearTo state ntrl; deeper grls)
backtrack trace choices
else deeper grls
trace_prover state brs0;
if lim<1 then (cond_tracing trace (fn () => "Limit reached."); backtrack trace choices)
else deeper rules
prv (tacs, brs0::trs, choices,
{pairs = [([], Hs)],
lits = H::lits,
vars = vars,
lim = lim} :: brs)
| prv (tacs, trs, choices, _ :: brs) = backtrack trace choices
in prv ([], [], [(!ntrail, length brs, PROVE)], brs) end;
fun initBranch (ts,lim) =
{pairs = [(map (fn t => (t,true)) ts, [])],
lits = [],
vars = add_terms_vars (ts,[]),
lim = lim};
local open Term
fun discard_foralls (Const(\<^const_name>‹Pure.all›,_)$Abs(a,T,t)) = discard_foralls t
| discard_foralls t = t;
fun getVars [] i = []
| getVars ((_,(v,is))::alist) (i: int) =
if member (op =) is i then getVars alist i
else v :: getVars alist i;
exception TRANS of string;
fun fromSubgoal (state as State {ctxt, ...}) t =
let val thy = Proof_Context.theory_of ctxt
val alistVar = Unsynchronized.ref []
and alistTVar = Unsynchronized.ref []
fun hdvar ((ix,(v,is))::_) = v
fun from lev t =
let val (ht,ts) = Term.strip_comb t
fun apply u = list_comb (u, map (from lev) ts)
fun bounds [] = []
| bounds (Term.Bound i::ts) =
if i<lev then raise TRANS
"Function unknown's argument not a parameter"
else i-lev :: bounds ts
| bounds ts = raise TRANS
"Function unknown's argument not a bound variable"
case ht of
Term.Const aT => apply (fromConst thy alistTVar aT)
| Term.Free (a,_) => apply (Free a)
| Term.Bound i => apply (Bound i)
| Term.Var (ix,_) =>
(case (AList.lookup (op =) (!alistVar) ix) of
NONE => (alistVar := (ix, (Unsynchronized.ref NONE, bounds ts))
:: !alistVar;
Var (hdvar(!alistVar)))
| SOME(v,is) => if is=bounds ts then Var v
else raise TRANS
("Discrepancy among occurrences of "
^ Term.string_of_vname ix))
| Term.Abs (a,_,body) =>
if null ts then Abs(a, from (lev+1) body)
else raise TRANS "argument not in normal form"
val npars = length (Logic.strip_params t)
fun skoSubgoal i t =
if i<npars then
skoSubgoal (i+1)
(subst_bound (Skolem (gensym state "T", getVars (!alistVar) i), t))
else t
in skoSubgoal 0 (from 0 (discard_foralls t)) end;
fun raw_blast start ctxt lim st =
let val state = initialize ctxt
val trace = Config.get ctxt trace;
val stats = Config.get ctxt stats;
val skoprem = fromSubgoal state (#1 (Logic.dest_implies (Thm.prop_of st)))
val hyps = strip_imp_prems skoprem
and concl = strip_imp_concl skoprem
fun cont (tacs,_,choices) =
let val start = Timing.start ()
case Seq.pull(EVERY' (rev tacs) 1 st) of
NONE => (cond_tracing trace (fn () => "PROOF FAILED for depth " ^ string_of_int lim);
backtrack trace choices)
| cell => (cond_tracing (trace orelse stats)
(fn () => Timing.message (Timing.result start) ^ " for reconstruction");
Seq.make(fn()=> cell))
end handle TERM _ =>
(cond_tracing trace (fn () => "PROOF RAISED EXN TERM for depth " ^ string_of_int lim);
backtrack trace choices)
prove (state, start, [initBranch (mkGoal concl :: hyps, lim)], cont)
handle PROVE => Seq.empty
| TRANS s => (cond_tracing (Config.get ctxt trace) (fn () => "Blast: " ^ s); Seq.empty);
fun depth_tac ctxt lim i st =
(Object_Logic.atomize_prems_tac ctxt 1 THEN
raw_blast (Timing.start ()) ctxt lim) i st;
fun blast_tac ctxt i st =
val start = Timing.start ();
val lim = Config.get ctxt depth_limit;
(Object_Logic.atomize_prems_tac ctxt 1 THEN
DEEPEN (1, lim) (fn m => fn _ => raw_blast start ctxt m) 0 1) i st
fun readGoal ctxt s =
Syntax.read_prop ctxt s |> fromTerm (Proof_Context.theory_of ctxt) |> rand |> mkGoal;
fun tryIt ctxt lim s =
val state as State {fullTrace, ...} = initialize ctxt;
val res = timeap prove (state, Timing.start (), [initBranch ([readGoal ctxt s], lim)], I);
in {fullTrace = !fullTrace, result = res} end;
val _ =
(Method.setup \<^binding>‹blast›
(Scan.lift (Scan.option Parse.nat) --| Method.sections Classical.cla_modifiers >>
(fn NONE => SIMPLE_METHOD' o blast_tac
| SOME lim => (fn ctxt => SIMPLE_METHOD' (depth_tac ctxt lim))))
"classical tableau prover");