Theory LK

(*  Title:      Sequents/LK.thy
    Author:     Lawrence C Paulson, Cambridge University Computer Laboratory
    Copyright   1993  University of Cambridge

Axiom to express monotonicity (a variant of the deduction theorem).  Makes the
link between ⊢ and ⟹, needed for instance to prove imp_cong.

Axiom left_cong allows the simplifier to use left-side formulas.  Ideally it
should be derived from lower-level axioms.

CANNOT be added to LK0.thy because modal logic is built upon it, and
various modal rules would become inconsistent.

theory LK
imports LK0

axiomatization where
  monotonic:  "($H  P  $H  Q)  $H, P  Q" and

  left_cong:  "P == P';   P'  ($H  $F)  ($H'  $F')
                (P, $H  $F)  (P', $H'  $F')"

subsection ‹Rewrite rules›

lemma conj_simps:
  " P  True  P"
  " True  P  P"
  " P  False  False"
  " False  P  False"
  " P  P  P"
  " P  P  Q  P  Q"
  " P  ¬ P  False"
  " ¬ P  P  False"
  " (P  Q)  R  P  (Q  R)"
  by (fast add!: subst)+

lemma disj_simps:
  " P  True  True"
  " True  P  True"
  " P  False  P"
  " False  P  P"
  " P  P  P"
  " P  P  Q  P  Q"
  " (P  Q)  R  P  (Q  R)"
  by (fast add!: subst)+

lemma not_simps:
  " ¬ False  True"
  " ¬ True  False"
  by (fast add!: subst)+

lemma imp_simps:
  " (P  False)  ¬ P"
  " (P  True)  True"
  " (False  P)  True"
  " (True  P)  P"
  " (P  P)  True"
  " (P  ¬ P)  ¬ P"
  by (fast add!: subst)+

lemma iff_simps:
  " (True  P)  P"
  " (P  True)  P"
  " (P  P)  True"
  " (False  P)  ¬ P"
  " (P  False)  ¬ P"
  by (fast add!: subst)+

lemma quant_simps:
  "P.  (x. P)  P"
  "P.  (x. x = t  P(x))  P(t)"
  "P.  (x. t = x  P(x))  P(t)"
  "P.  (x. P)  P"
  "P.  (x. x = t  P(x))  P(t)"
  "P.  (x. t = x  P(x))  P(t)"
  by (fast add!: subst)+

subsection ‹Miniscoping: pushing quantifiers in›

text ‹
  We do NOT distribute of ∀ over ∧, or dually that of ∃ over ∨
  Baaz and Leitsch, On Skolemization and Proof Complexity (1994)
  show that this step can increase proof length!

text ‹existential miniscoping›
lemma ex_simps:
  "P Q.  (x. P(x)  Q)  (x. P(x))  Q"
  "P Q.  (x. P  Q(x))  P  (x. Q(x))"
  "P Q.  (x. P(x)  Q)  (x. P(x))  Q"
  "P Q.  (x. P  Q(x))  P  (x. Q(x))"
  "P Q.  (x. P(x)  Q)  (x. P(x))  Q"
  "P Q.  (x. P  Q(x))  P  (x. Q(x))"
  by (fast add!: subst)+

text ‹universal miniscoping›
lemma all_simps:
  "P Q.  (x. P(x)  Q)  (x. P(x))  Q"
  "P Q.  (x. P  Q(x))  P  (x. Q(x))"
  "P Q.  (x. P(x)  Q)  (x. P(x))  Q"
  "P Q.  (x. P  Q(x))  P  (x. Q(x))"
  "P Q.  (x. P(x)  Q)  (x. P(x))  Q"
  "P Q.  (x. P  Q(x))  P  (x. Q(x))"
  by (fast add!: subst)+

text ‹These are NOT supplied by default!›
lemma distrib_simps:
  " P  (Q  R)  P  Q  P  R"
  " (Q  R)  P  Q  P  R  P"
  " (P  Q  R)  (P  R)  (Q  R)"
  by (fast add!: subst)+

lemma P_iff_F: " ¬ P   (P  False)"
  apply (erule thinR [THEN cut])
  apply fast

lemmas iff_reflection_F = P_iff_F [THEN iff_reflection]

lemma P_iff_T: " P   (P  True)"
  apply (erule thinR [THEN cut])
  apply fast

lemmas iff_reflection_T = P_iff_T [THEN iff_reflection]

lemma LK_extra_simps:
  " P  ¬ P"
  " ¬ P  P"
  " ¬ ¬ P  P"
  " (¬ P  P)  P"
  " (¬ P  ¬ Q)  (P  Q)"
  by (fast add!: subst)+

subsection ‹Named rewrite rules›

lemma conj_commute: " P  Q  Q  P"
  and conj_left_commute: " P  (Q  R)  Q  (P  R)"
  by (fast add!: subst)+

lemmas conj_comms = conj_commute conj_left_commute

lemma disj_commute: " P  Q  Q  P"
  and disj_left_commute: " P  (Q  R)  Q  (P  R)"
  by (fast add!: subst)+

lemmas disj_comms = disj_commute disj_left_commute

lemma conj_disj_distribL: " P  (Q  R)  (P  Q  P  R)"
  and conj_disj_distribR: " (P  Q)  R  (P  R  Q  R)"

  and disj_conj_distribL: " P  (Q  R)  (P  Q)  (P  R)"
  and disj_conj_distribR: " (P  Q)  R  (P  R)  (Q  R)"

  and imp_conj_distrib: " (P  (Q  R))  (P  Q)  (P  R)"
  and imp_conj: " ((P  Q)  R)   (P  (Q  R))"
  and imp_disj: " (P  Q  R)   (P  R)  (Q  R)"

  and imp_disj1: " (P  Q)  R  (P  Q  R)"
  and imp_disj2: " Q  (P  R)  (P  Q  R)"

  and de_Morgan_disj: " (¬ (P  Q))  (¬ P  ¬ Q)"
  and de_Morgan_conj: " (¬ (P  Q))  (¬ P  ¬ Q)"

  and not_iff: " ¬ (P  Q)  (P  ¬ Q)"
  by (fast add!: subst)+

lemma imp_cong:
  assumes p1: " P  P'"
    and p2: " P'   Q  Q'"
  shows " (P  Q)  (P'  Q')"
  apply (lem p1)
  apply safe
   apply (tactic REPEAT (resolve_tac context @{thms cut} 1 THEN
         (resolve_tac context [@{thm thinL}, @{thm thinR}, @{thm p2} COMP @{thm monotonic}] 1) THEN
           Cla.safe_tac context 1))

lemma conj_cong:
  assumes p1: " P  P'"
    and p2: " P'   Q  Q'"
  shows " (P  Q)  (P'  Q')"
  apply (lem p1)
  apply safe
   apply (tactic REPEAT (resolve_tac context @{thms cut} 1 THEN
         (resolve_tac context [@{thm thinL}, @{thm thinR}, @{thm p2} COMP @{thm monotonic}] 1) THEN
           Cla.safe_tac context 1))

lemma eq_sym_conv: " x = y  y = x"
  by (fast add!: subst)

ML_file ‹simpdata.ML›
setup map_theory_simpset (put_simpset LK_ss)
setup Simplifier.method_setup []

text ‹To create substitution rules›

lemma eq_imp_subst: " a = b  $H, A(a), $G  $E, A(b), $F"
  by simp

lemma split_if: " P(if Q then x else y)  ((Q  P(x))  (¬ Q  P(y)))"
  apply (rule_tac P = Q in cut)
   prefer 2
   apply (simp add: if_P)
  apply (rule_tac P = "¬ Q" in cut)
   prefer 2
   apply (simp add: if_not_P)
  apply fast

lemma if_cancel: " (if P then x else x) = x"
  apply (lem split_if)
  apply fast

lemma if_eq_cancel: " (if x = y then y else x) = x"
  apply (lem split_if)
  apply safe
  apply (rule symL)
  apply (rule basic)
