Theory Bin
section‹Arithmetic on Binary Integers›
theory Bin
imports Int Datatype
consts bin :: i
"bin" = Pls
| Min
| Bit ("w ∈ bin", "b ∈ bool") (infixl ‹BIT› 90)
integ_of :: "i⇒i"
NCons :: "[i,i]⇒i"
bin_succ :: "i⇒i"
bin_pred :: "i⇒i"
bin_minus :: "i⇒i"
bin_adder :: "i⇒i"
bin_mult :: "[i,i]⇒i"
integ_of_Pls: "integ_of (Pls) = $# 0"
integ_of_Min: "integ_of (Min) = $-($#1)"
integ_of_BIT: "integ_of (w BIT b) = $#b $+ integ_of(w) $+ integ_of(w)"
NCons_Pls: "NCons (Pls,b) = cond(b,Pls BIT b,Pls)"
NCons_Min: "NCons (Min,b) = cond(b,Min,Min BIT b)"
NCons_BIT: "NCons (w BIT c,b) = w BIT c BIT b"
bin_succ_Pls: "bin_succ (Pls) = Pls BIT 1"
bin_succ_Min: "bin_succ (Min) = Pls"
bin_succ_BIT: "bin_succ (w BIT b) = cond(b, bin_succ(w) BIT 0, NCons(w,1))"
bin_pred_Pls: "bin_pred (Pls) = Min"
bin_pred_Min: "bin_pred (Min) = Min BIT 0"
bin_pred_BIT: "bin_pred (w BIT b) = cond(b, NCons(w,0), bin_pred(w) BIT 1)"
"bin_minus (Pls) = Pls"
"bin_minus (Min) = Pls BIT 1"
"bin_minus (w BIT b) = cond(b, bin_pred(NCons(bin_minus(w),0)),
bin_minus(w) BIT 0)"
"bin_adder (Pls) = (λw∈bin. w)"
"bin_adder (Min) = (λw∈bin. bin_pred(w))"
"bin_adder (v BIT x) =
bin_case (v BIT x, bin_pred(v BIT x),
λw y. NCons(bin_adder (v) ` cond(x and y, bin_succ(w), w),
x xor y),
bin_add :: "[i,i]⇒i" where
"bin_add(v,w) ≡ bin_adder(v)`w"
"bin_mult (Pls,w) = Pls"
"bin_mult (Min,w) = bin_minus(w)"
"bin_mult (v BIT b,w) = cond(b, bin_add(NCons(bin_mult(v,w),0),w),
"_Int0" :: i (‹#' 0›)
"_Int1" :: i (‹#' 1›)
"_Int2" :: i (‹#' 2›)
"_Neg_Int1" :: i (‹#-' 1›)
"_Neg_Int2" :: i (‹#-' 2›)
"#0" ⇌ "CONST integ_of(CONST Pls)"
"#1" ⇌ "CONST integ_of(CONST Pls BIT 1)"
"#2" ⇌ "CONST integ_of(CONST Pls BIT 1 BIT 0)"
"#-1" ⇌ "CONST integ_of(CONST Min)"
"#-2" ⇌ "CONST integ_of(CONST Min BIT 0)"
"_Int" :: "num_token ⇒ i" (‹#_› 1000)
"_Neg_Int" :: "num_token ⇒ i" (‹#-_› 1000)
ML_file ‹Tools/numeral_syntax.ML›
declare bin.intros [simp,TC]
lemma NCons_Pls_0: "NCons(Pls,0) = Pls"
by simp
lemma NCons_Pls_1: "NCons(Pls,1) = Pls BIT 1"
by simp
lemma NCons_Min_0: "NCons(Min,0) = Min BIT 0"
by simp
lemma NCons_Min_1: "NCons(Min,1) = Min"
by simp
lemma NCons_BIT: "NCons(w BIT x,b) = w BIT x BIT b"
by (simp add: bin.case_eqns)
lemmas NCons_simps [simp] =
NCons_Pls_0 NCons_Pls_1 NCons_Min_0 NCons_Min_1 NCons_BIT
lemma integ_of_type [TC]: "w ∈ bin ⟹ integ_of(w) ∈ int"
apply (induct_tac "w")
apply (simp_all add: bool_into_nat)
lemma NCons_type [TC]: "⟦w ∈ bin; b ∈ bool⟧ ⟹ NCons(w,b) ∈ bin"
by (induct_tac "w", auto)
lemma bin_succ_type [TC]: "w ∈ bin ⟹ bin_succ(w) ∈ bin"
by (induct_tac "w", auto)
lemma bin_pred_type [TC]: "w ∈ bin ⟹ bin_pred(w) ∈ bin"
by (induct_tac "w", auto)
lemma bin_minus_type [TC]: "w ∈ bin ⟹ bin_minus(w) ∈ bin"
by (induct_tac "w", auto)
lemma bin_add_type [rule_format]:
"v ∈ bin ⟹ ∀w∈bin. bin_add(v,w) ∈ bin"
unfolding bin_add_def
apply (induct_tac "v")
apply (rule_tac [3] ballI)
apply (rename_tac [3] "w'")
apply (induct_tac [3] "w'")
apply (simp_all add: NCons_type)
declare bin_add_type [TC]
lemma bin_mult_type [TC]: "⟦v ∈ bin; w ∈ bin⟧ ⟹ bin_mult(v,w) ∈ bin"
by (induct_tac "v", auto)
subsubsection‹The Carry and Borrow Functions,
\<^term>‹bin_succ› and \<^term>‹bin_pred››
lemma integ_of_NCons [simp]:
"⟦w ∈ bin; b ∈ bool⟧ ⟹ integ_of(NCons(w,b)) = integ_of(w BIT b)"
apply (erule bin.cases)
apply (auto elim!: boolE)
lemma integ_of_succ [simp]:
"w ∈ bin ⟹ integ_of(bin_succ(w)) = $#1 $+ integ_of(w)"
apply (erule bin.induct)
apply (auto simp add: zadd_ac elim!: boolE)
lemma integ_of_pred [simp]:
"w ∈ bin ⟹ integ_of(bin_pred(w)) = $- ($#1) $+ integ_of(w)"
apply (erule bin.induct)
apply (auto simp add: zadd_ac elim!: boolE)
subsubsection‹\<^term>‹bin_minus›: Unary Negation of Binary Integers›
lemma integ_of_minus: "w ∈ bin ⟹ integ_of(bin_minus(w)) = $- integ_of(w)"
apply (erule bin.induct)
apply (auto simp add: zadd_ac zminus_zadd_distrib elim!: boolE)
subsubsection‹\<^term>‹bin_add›: Binary Addition›
lemma bin_add_Pls [simp]: "w ∈ bin ⟹ bin_add(Pls,w) = w"
by (unfold bin_add_def, simp)
lemma bin_add_Pls_right: "w ∈ bin ⟹ bin_add(w,Pls) = w"
unfolding bin_add_def
apply (erule bin.induct, auto)
lemma bin_add_Min [simp]: "w ∈ bin ⟹ bin_add(Min,w) = bin_pred(w)"
by (unfold bin_add_def, simp)
lemma bin_add_Min_right: "w ∈ bin ⟹ bin_add(w,Min) = bin_pred(w)"
unfolding bin_add_def
apply (erule bin.induct, auto)
lemma bin_add_BIT_Pls [simp]: "bin_add(v BIT x,Pls) = v BIT x"
by (unfold bin_add_def, simp)
lemma bin_add_BIT_Min [simp]: "bin_add(v BIT x,Min) = bin_pred(v BIT x)"
by (unfold bin_add_def, simp)
lemma bin_add_BIT_BIT [simp]:
"⟦w ∈ bin; y ∈ bool⟧
⟹ bin_add(v BIT x, w BIT y) =
NCons(bin_add(v, cond(x and y, bin_succ(w), w)), x xor y)"
by (unfold bin_add_def, simp)
lemma integ_of_add [rule_format]:
"v ∈ bin ⟹
∀w∈bin. integ_of(bin_add(v,w)) = integ_of(v) $+ integ_of(w)"
apply (erule bin.induct, simp, simp)
apply (rule ballI)
apply (induct_tac "wa")
apply (auto simp add: zadd_ac elim!: boolE)
lemma diff_integ_of_eq:
"⟦v ∈ bin; w ∈ bin⟧
⟹ integ_of(v) $- integ_of(w) = integ_of(bin_add (v, bin_minus(w)))"
unfolding zdiff_def
apply (simp add: integ_of_add integ_of_minus)
subsubsection‹\<^term>‹bin_mult›: Binary Multiplication›
lemma integ_of_mult:
"⟦v ∈ bin; w ∈ bin⟧
⟹ integ_of(bin_mult(v,w)) = integ_of(v) $* integ_of(w)"
apply (induct_tac "v", simp)
apply (simp add: integ_of_minus)
apply (auto simp add: zadd_ac integ_of_add zadd_zmult_distrib elim!: boolE)
lemma bin_succ_1: "bin_succ(w BIT 1) = bin_succ(w) BIT 0"
by simp
lemma bin_succ_0: "bin_succ(w BIT 0) = NCons(w,1)"
by simp
lemma bin_pred_1: "bin_pred(w BIT 1) = NCons(w,0)"
by simp
lemma bin_pred_0: "bin_pred(w BIT 0) = bin_pred(w) BIT 1"
by simp
lemma bin_minus_1: "bin_minus(w BIT 1) = bin_pred(NCons(bin_minus(w), 0))"
by simp
lemma bin_minus_0: "bin_minus(w BIT 0) = bin_minus(w) BIT 0"
by simp
lemma bin_add_BIT_11: "w ∈ bin ⟹ bin_add(v BIT 1, w BIT 1) =
NCons(bin_add(v, bin_succ(w)), 0)"
by simp
lemma bin_add_BIT_10: "w ∈ bin ⟹ bin_add(v BIT 1, w BIT 0) =
NCons(bin_add(v,w), 1)"
by simp
lemma bin_add_BIT_0: "⟦w ∈ bin; y ∈ bool⟧
⟹ bin_add(v BIT 0, w BIT y) = NCons(bin_add(v,w), y)"
by simp
lemma bin_mult_1: "bin_mult(v BIT 1, w) = bin_add(NCons(bin_mult(v,w),0), w)"
by simp
lemma bin_mult_0: "bin_mult(v BIT 0, w) = NCons(bin_mult(v,w),0)"
by simp
lemma int_of_0: "$#0 = #0"
by simp
lemma int_of_succ: "$# succ(n) = #1 $+ $#n"
by (simp add: int_of_add [symmetric] natify_succ)
lemma zminus_0 [simp]: "$- #0 = #0"
by simp
lemma zadd_0_intify [simp]: "#0 $+ z = intify(z)"
by simp
lemma zadd_0_right_intify [simp]: "z $+ #0 = intify(z)"
by simp
lemma zmult_1_intify [simp]: "#1 $* z = intify(z)"
by simp
lemma zmult_1_right_intify [simp]: "z $* #1 = intify(z)"
by (subst zmult_commute, simp)
lemma zmult_0 [simp]: "#0 $* z = #0"
by simp
lemma zmult_0_right [simp]: "z $* #0 = #0"
by (subst zmult_commute, simp)
lemma zmult_minus1 [simp]: "#-1 $* z = $-z"
by (simp add: zcompare_rls)
lemma zmult_minus1_right [simp]: "z $* #-1 = $-z"
apply (subst zmult_commute)
apply (rule zmult_minus1)
subsection‹Simplification Rules for Comparison of Binary Numbers›
text‹Thanks to Norbert Voelker›
lemma eq_integ_of_eq:
"⟦v ∈ bin; w ∈ bin⟧
⟹ ((integ_of(v)) = integ_of(w)) ⟷
iszero (integ_of (bin_add (v, bin_minus(w))))"
unfolding iszero_def
apply (simp add: zcompare_rls integ_of_add integ_of_minus)
lemma iszero_integ_of_Pls: "iszero (integ_of(Pls))"
by (unfold iszero_def, simp)
lemma nonzero_integ_of_Min: "¬ iszero (integ_of(Min))"
unfolding iszero_def
apply (simp add: zminus_equation)
lemma iszero_integ_of_BIT:
"⟦w ∈ bin; x ∈ bool⟧
⟹ iszero (integ_of (w BIT x)) ⟷ (x=0 ∧ iszero (integ_of(w)))"
apply (unfold iszero_def, simp)
apply (subgoal_tac "integ_of (w) ∈ int")
apply typecheck
apply (drule int_cases)
apply (safe elim!: boolE)
apply (simp_all (asm_lr) add: zcompare_rls zminus_zadd_distrib [symmetric]
int_of_add [symmetric])
lemma iszero_integ_of_0:
"w ∈ bin ⟹ iszero (integ_of (w BIT 0)) ⟷ iszero (integ_of(w))"
by (simp only: iszero_integ_of_BIT, blast)
lemma iszero_integ_of_1: "w ∈ bin ⟹ ¬ iszero (integ_of (w BIT 1))"
by (simp only: iszero_integ_of_BIT, blast)
lemma less_integ_of_eq_neg:
"⟦v ∈ bin; w ∈ bin⟧
⟹ integ_of(v) $< integ_of(w)
⟷ znegative (integ_of (bin_add (v, bin_minus(w))))"
unfolding zless_def zdiff_def
apply (simp add: integ_of_minus integ_of_add)
lemma not_neg_integ_of_Pls: "¬ znegative (integ_of(Pls))"
by simp
lemma neg_integ_of_Min: "znegative (integ_of(Min))"
by simp
lemma neg_integ_of_BIT:
"⟦w ∈ bin; x ∈ bool⟧
⟹ znegative (integ_of (w BIT x)) ⟷ znegative (integ_of(w))"
apply simp
apply (subgoal_tac "integ_of (w) ∈ int")
apply typecheck
apply (drule int_cases)
apply (auto elim!: boolE simp add: int_of_add [symmetric] zcompare_rls)
apply (simp_all add: zminus_zadd_distrib [symmetric] zdiff_def
int_of_add [symmetric])
apply (subgoal_tac "$#1 $- $# succ (succ (n #+ n)) = $- $# succ (n #+ n) ")
apply (simp add: zdiff_def)
apply (simp add: equation_zminus int_of_diff [symmetric])
lemma le_integ_of_eq_not_less:
"(integ_of(x) $≤ (integ_of(w))) ⟷ ¬ (integ_of(w) $< (integ_of(x)))"
by (simp add: not_zless_iff_zle [THEN iff_sym])
declare bin_succ_BIT [simp del]
bin_pred_BIT [simp del]
bin_minus_BIT [simp del]
NCons_Pls [simp del]
NCons_Min [simp del]
bin_adder_BIT [simp del]
bin_mult_BIT [simp del]
declare integ_of_Pls [simp del] integ_of_Min [simp del] integ_of_BIT [simp del]
lemmas =
integ_of_add [symmetric]
integ_of_minus [symmetric]
integ_of_mult [symmetric]
bin_succ_1 bin_succ_0
bin_pred_1 bin_pred_0
bin_minus_1 bin_minus_0
bin_add_Pls_right bin_add_Min_right
bin_add_BIT_0 bin_add_BIT_10 bin_add_BIT_11
bin_mult_1 bin_mult_0 NCons_simps
lemmas bin_arith_simps =
bin_pred_Pls bin_pred_Min
bin_succ_Pls bin_succ_Min
bin_add_Pls bin_add_Min
bin_minus_Pls bin_minus_Min
bin_mult_Pls bin_mult_Min
lemmas bin_rel_simps =
eq_integ_of_eq iszero_integ_of_Pls nonzero_integ_of_Min
iszero_integ_of_0 iszero_integ_of_1
not_neg_integ_of_Pls neg_integ_of_Min neg_integ_of_BIT
declare bin_arith_simps [simp]
declare bin_rel_simps [simp]
lemma add_integ_of_left [simp]:
"⟦v ∈ bin; w ∈ bin⟧
⟹ integ_of(v) $+ (integ_of(w) $+ z) = (integ_of(bin_add(v,w)) $+ z)"
by (simp add: zadd_assoc [symmetric])
lemma mult_integ_of_left [simp]:
"⟦v ∈ bin; w ∈ bin⟧
⟹ integ_of(v) $* (integ_of(w) $* z) = (integ_of(bin_mult(v,w)) $* z)"
by (simp add: zmult_assoc [symmetric])
lemma add_integ_of_diff1 [simp]:
"⟦v ∈ bin; w ∈ bin⟧
⟹ integ_of(v) $+ (integ_of(w) $- c) = integ_of(bin_add(v,w)) $- (c)"
unfolding zdiff_def
apply (rule add_integ_of_left, auto)
lemma add_integ_of_diff2 [simp]:
"⟦v ∈ bin; w ∈ bin⟧
⟹ integ_of(v) $+ (c $- integ_of(w)) =
integ_of (bin_add (v, bin_minus(w))) $+ (c)"
apply (subst diff_integ_of_eq [symmetric])
apply (simp_all add: zdiff_def zadd_ac)
declare int_of_0 [simp] int_of_succ [simp]
lemma zdiff0 [simp]: "#0 $- x = $-x"
by (simp add: zdiff_def)
lemma zdiff0_right [simp]: "x $- #0 = intify(x)"
by (simp add: zdiff_def)
lemma zdiff_self [simp]: "x $- x = #0"
by (simp add: zdiff_def)
lemma znegative_iff_zless_0: "k ∈ int ⟹ znegative(k) ⟷ k $< #0"
by (simp add: zless_def)
lemma zero_zless_imp_znegative_zminus: "⟦#0 $< k; k ∈ int⟧ ⟹ znegative($-k)"
by (simp add: zless_def)
lemma zero_zle_int_of [simp]: "#0 $≤ $# n"
by (simp add: not_zless_iff_zle [THEN iff_sym] znegative_iff_zless_0 [THEN iff_sym])
lemma nat_of_0 [simp]: "nat_of(#0) = 0"
by (simp only: natify_0 int_of_0 [symmetric] nat_of_int_of)
lemma nat_le_int0_lemma: "⟦z $≤ $#0; z ∈ int⟧ ⟹ nat_of(z) = 0"
by (auto simp add: znegative_iff_zless_0 [THEN iff_sym] zle_def zneg_nat_of)
lemma nat_le_int0: "z $≤ $#0 ⟹ nat_of(z) = 0"
apply (subgoal_tac "nat_of (intify (z)) = 0")
apply (rule_tac [2] nat_le_int0_lemma, auto)
lemma int_of_eq_0_imp_natify_eq_0: "$# n = #0 ⟹ natify(n) = 0"
by (rule not_znegative_imp_zero, auto)
lemma nat_of_zminus_int_of: "nat_of($- $# n) = 0"
by (simp add: nat_of_def int_of_def raw_nat_of zminus image_intrel_int)
lemma int_of_nat_of: "#0 $≤ z ⟹ $# nat_of(z) = intify(z)"
apply (rule not_zneg_nat_of_intify)
apply (simp add: znegative_iff_zless_0 not_zless_iff_zle)
declare int_of_nat_of [simp] nat_of_zminus_int_of [simp]
lemma int_of_nat_of_if: "$# nat_of(z) = (if #0 $≤ z then intify(z) else #0)"
by (simp add: int_of_nat_of znegative_iff_zless_0 not_zle_iff_zless)
lemma zless_nat_iff_int_zless: "⟦m ∈ nat; z ∈ int⟧ ⟹ (m < nat_of(z)) ⟷ ($#m $< z)"
apply (case_tac "znegative (z) ")
apply (erule_tac [2] not_zneg_nat_of [THEN subst])
apply (auto dest: zless_trans dest!: zero_zle_int_of [THEN zle_zless_trans]
simp add: znegative_iff_zless_0)
lemma zless_nat_conj_lemma: "$#0 $< z ⟹ (nat_of(w) < nat_of(z)) ⟷ (w $< z)"
apply (rule iff_trans)
apply (rule zless_int_of [THEN iff_sym])
apply (auto simp add: int_of_nat_of_if simp del: zless_int_of)
apply (auto elim: zless_asym simp add: not_zle_iff_zless)
apply (blast intro: zless_zle_trans)
lemma zless_nat_conj: "(nat_of(w) < nat_of(z)) ⟷ ($#0 $< z ∧ w $< z)"
apply (case_tac "$#0 $< z")
apply (auto simp add: zless_nat_conj_lemma nat_le_int0 not_zless_iff_zle)
lemma integ_of_minus_reorient [simp]:
"(integ_of(w) = $- x) ⟷ ($- x = integ_of(w))"
by auto
lemma integ_of_add_reorient [simp]:
"(integ_of(w) = x $+ y) ⟷ (x $+ y = integ_of(w))"
by auto
lemma integ_of_diff_reorient [simp]:
"(integ_of(w) = x $- y) ⟷ (x $- y = integ_of(w))"
by auto
lemma integ_of_mult_reorient [simp]:
"(integ_of(w) = x $* y) ⟷ (x $* y = integ_of(w))"
by auto
lemmas [simp] =
zminus_equation [where y = "integ_of(w)"]
equation_zminus [where x = "integ_of(w)"]
for w
lemmas [iff] =
zminus_zless [where y = "integ_of(w)"]
zless_zminus [where x = "integ_of(w)"]
for w
lemmas [iff] =
zminus_zle [where y = "integ_of(w)"]
zle_zminus [where x = "integ_of(w)"]
for w
lemmas [simp] =
Let_def [where s = "integ_of(w)"] for w
lemma zless_iff_zdiff_zless_0: "(x $< y) ⟷ (x$-y $< #0)"
by (simp add: zcompare_rls)
lemma eq_iff_zdiff_eq_0: "⟦x ∈ int; y ∈ int⟧ ⟹ (x = y) ⟷ (x$-y = #0)"
by (simp add: zcompare_rls)
lemma zle_iff_zdiff_zle_0: "(x $≤ y) ⟷ (x$-y $≤ #0)"
by (simp add: zcompare_rls)
lemma left_zadd_zmult_distrib: "i$*u $+ (j$*u $+ k) = (i$+j)$*u $+ k"
by (simp add: zadd_zmult_distrib zadd_ac)
lemma eq_add_iff1: "(i$*u $+ m = j$*u $+ n) ⟷ ((i$-j)$*u $+ m = intify(n))"
apply (simp add: zdiff_def zadd_zmult_distrib)
apply (simp add: zcompare_rls)
apply (simp add: zadd_ac)
lemma eq_add_iff2: "(i$*u $+ m = j$*u $+ n) ⟷ (intify(m) = (j$-i)$*u $+ n)"
apply (simp add: zdiff_def zadd_zmult_distrib)
apply (simp add: zcompare_rls)
apply (simp add: zadd_ac)
context fixes n :: i
lemmas rel_iff_rel_0_rls =
zless_iff_zdiff_zless_0 [where y = "u $+ v"]
eq_iff_zdiff_eq_0 [where y = "u $+ v"]
zle_iff_zdiff_zle_0 [where y = "u $+ v"]
zless_iff_zdiff_zless_0 [where y = n]
eq_iff_zdiff_eq_0 [where y = n]
zle_iff_zdiff_zle_0 [where y = n]
for u v
lemma less_add_iff1: "(i$*u $+ m $< j$*u $+ n) ⟷ ((i$-j)$*u $+ m $< n)"
apply (simp add: zdiff_def zadd_zmult_distrib zadd_ac rel_iff_rel_0_rls)
lemma less_add_iff2: "(i$*u $+ m $< j$*u $+ n) ⟷ (m $< (j$-i)$*u $+ n)"
apply (simp add: zdiff_def zadd_zmult_distrib zadd_ac rel_iff_rel_0_rls)
lemma le_add_iff1: "(i$*u $+ m $≤ j$*u $+ n) ⟷ ((i$-j)$*u $+ m $≤ n)"
apply (simp add: zdiff_def zadd_zmult_distrib)
apply (simp add: zcompare_rls)
apply (simp add: zadd_ac)
lemma le_add_iff2: "(i$*u $+ m $≤ j$*u $+ n) ⟷ (m $≤ (j$-i)$*u $+ n)"
apply (simp add: zdiff_def zadd_zmult_distrib)
apply (simp add: zcompare_rls)
apply (simp add: zadd_ac)
ML_file ‹int_arith.ML›
simproc_setup inteq_cancel_numerals
("l $+ m = n" | "l = m $+ n" | "l $- m = n" | "l = m $- n" | "l $* m = n" | "l = m $* n") =
‹K Int_Numeral_Simprocs.inteq_cancel_numerals_proc›
simproc_setup intless_cancel_numerals
("l $+ m $< n" | "l $< m $+ n" | "l $- m $< n" | "l $< m $- n" | "l $* m $< n" | "l $< m $* n") =
‹K Int_Numeral_Simprocs.intless_cancel_numerals_proc›
simproc_setup intle_cancel_numerals
("l $+ m $≤ n" | "l $≤ m $+ n" | "l $- m $≤ n" | "l $≤ m $- n" | "l $* m $≤ n" | "l $≤ m $* n") =
‹K Int_Numeral_Simprocs.intle_cancel_numerals_proc›
simproc_setup int_combine_numerals ("i $+ j" | "i $- j") =
‹K Int_Numeral_Simprocs.int_combine_numerals_proc›
simproc_setup int_combine_numerals_prod ("i $* j") =
‹K Int_Numeral_Simprocs.int_combine_numerals_prod_proc›
subsubsection ‹Examples›
text ‹‹combine_numerals_prod› (products of separate literals)›
lemma "#5 $* x $* #3 = y" apply simp oops
schematic_goal "y2 $+ ?x42 = y $+ y2" apply simp oops
lemma "oo : int ⟹ l $+ (l $+ #2) $+ oo = oo" apply simp oops
lemma "#9$*x $+ y = x$*#23 $+ z" apply simp oops
lemma "y $+ x = x $+ z" apply simp oops
lemma "x : int ⟹ x $+ y $+ z = x $+ z" apply simp oops
lemma "x : int ⟹ y $+ (z $+ x) = z $+ x" apply simp oops
lemma "z : int ⟹ x $+ y $+ z = (z $+ y) $+ (x $+ w)" apply simp oops
lemma "z : int ⟹ x$*y $+ z = (z $+ y) $+ (y$*x $+ w)" apply simp oops
lemma "#-3 $* x $+ y $≤ x $* #2 $+ z" apply simp oops
lemma "y $+ x $≤ x $+ z" apply simp oops
lemma "x $+ y $+ z $≤ x $+ z" apply simp oops
lemma "y $+ (z $+ x) $< z $+ x" apply simp oops
lemma "x $+ y $+ z $< (z $+ y) $+ (x $+ w)" apply simp oops
lemma "x$*y $+ z $< (z $+ y) $+ (y$*x $+ w)" apply simp oops
lemma "l $+ #2 $+ #2 $+ #2 $+ (l $+ #2) $+ (oo $+ #2) = uu" apply simp oops
lemma "u : int ⟹ #2 $* u = u" apply simp oops
lemma "(i $+ j $+ #12 $+ k) $- #15 = y" apply simp oops
lemma "(i $+ j $+ #12 $+ k) $- #5 = y" apply simp oops
lemma "y $- b $< b" apply simp oops
lemma "y $- (#3 $* b $+ c) $< b $- #2 $* c" apply simp oops
lemma "(#2 $* x $- (u $* v) $+ y) $- v $* #3 $* u = w" apply simp oops
lemma "(#2 $* x $* u $* v $+ (u $* v) $* #4 $+ y) $- v $* u $* #4 = w" apply simp oops
lemma "(#2 $* x $* u $* v $+ (u $* v) $* #4 $+ y) $- v $* u = w" apply simp oops
lemma "u $* v $- (x $* u $* v $+ (u $* v) $* #4 $+ y) = w" apply simp oops
lemma "(i $+ j $+ #12 $+ k) = u $+ #15 $+ y" apply simp oops
lemma "(i $+ j $* #2 $+ #12 $+ k) = j $+ #5 $+ y" apply simp oops
lemma "#2 $* y $+ #3 $* z $+ #6 $* w $+ #2 $* y $+ #3 $* z $+ #2 $* u = #2 $* y' $+ #3 $* z' $+ #6 $* w' $+ #2 $* y' $+ #3 $* z' $+ u $+ vv" apply simp oops
lemma "a $+ $-(b$+c) $+ b = d" apply simp oops
lemma "a $+ $-(b$+c) $- b = d" apply simp oops
text ‹negative numerals›
lemma "(i $+ j $+ #-2 $+ k) $- (u $+ #5 $+ y) = zz" apply simp oops
lemma "(i $+ j $+ #-3 $+ k) $< u $+ #5 $+ y" apply simp oops
lemma "(i $+ j $+ #3 $+ k) $< u $+ #-6 $+ y" apply simp oops
lemma "(i $+ j $+ #-12 $+ k) $- #15 = y" apply simp oops
lemma "(i $+ j $+ #12 $+ k) $- #-15 = y" apply simp oops
lemma "(i $+ j $+ #-12 $+ k) $- #-15 = y" apply simp oops
text ‹Multiplying separated numerals›
lemma "#6 $* ($# x $* #2) = uu" apply simp oops
lemma "#4 $* ($# x $* $# x) $* (#2 $* $# x) = uu" apply simp oops